Six Years of Public Health Surveillance of Measles in France

Mary M (URBB Inserm U 263, Tour 53, ler étage, Université Paris 7, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France), Garnerin P. Roure C, Villeminot S, Swartz T A and Valleron A–J. Six years of public health surveilliance of measles in France. International Journal of Epidemiology 1992; 21: 163–168. Data provided by the Sentinel General Practitioners (SGP) to the French Communicable Diseases Computer Network (FCDN) have been used to present the epidemiologicat characteristics of measles observed during a 6-year period in France. The estimated annual incidence rates per 100000 population were 376 in 1985, 603 in 1986 and 983 in 1987, then declined during the following 3 years to 297, 258, and 263 per 100000 population in 1988, 1989 and 1990 respectively. There is a marked seasonal change with a high early summer peak. The mean age among the cases for the 6 years of study varied from 5.4 to 6.0 years. There is an increase in the percentage of cases with a past history of measles vaccination, from 6.7% in 1985 to 12.8% in 1990. This increase may be interpreted as a consequence of a substantial increase of the vaccine coverage during the same period.

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