Surface Denaturation at Solid-Void Interface—A Possible Pathway by Which Opalescent Participates Form During the Storage of Lyophilized Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator at High Temperatures

During protein lyophilization, it is common practice to complete the freezing step as fast as possible in order to avoid protein denaturation, as well as to obtain a final product of uniform quality. We report a contradictory observation made during lyophilization of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) formulated in arginine. Fast cooling during lyophilization resulted in a lyophilized product that yielded more opalescent particulates upon long term storage at 50 °C, under a 150 mTorr nitrogen seal gas environment. Fast cooling also resulted in a lyophilized cake with a large internal surface area. Studies on lyophilized products containing 1% (w/w) residual moisture and varying cake surface areas (0.22 - 1.78 m2/gm) revealed that all lyophilized cakes were in an amorphous state with similar glass transition temperatures (103 - 105 °C). However, during storage the rate of opalescent particulate formation in the lyophilized product (as determined by UV optical density measurement in the 360 to 340 nm range for the reconstituted solution) was proportional to the cake surface area. We suggest that this is a surface-related phenomenon in which the protein at the solid-void interface of the lyophilized cake denatures during storage at elevated temperatures. Irreversible denaturation at the ice-liquid interface during freezing in lyophilization is unlikely to occur, since repeated freezing/thawing did not show any adverse effect on the protein. Infrared spectroscopic analysis could not determine whether protein, upon lyophilization, at the solid-void interface would still be in a native form.