Analytical model and characterization of small geometry MOSFET's

Electrical characteristics of small geometry p-channel and n-channel MOSFET's are characterized based on an analytical model that includes short-channel, narrow-channel, and carrier-velocity-saturation effects. Theoretical results on threshold voltage, threshold-voltage shift by a substrate bias voltage, and drain current are in good agreement with the experimental results over wide ranges of channel lengths from 1 to 9 µm and channel widths from 2 to 14 µm. A comparison of the electrical characteristics of MOSFET's with and without field implantation leads to the conclusion that the field implantation is the main cause of the narrow-channel-width effect on threshold-voltage increase and drain-current degradation. The carrier-velocity-saturation effect starts to appear at the 3-µm channel length for the n-channel device and at 1 µm for the p-channel device under 5-V operation. According to the theoretical analysis of a 1-µm-channel inverter circuit, a CMOS inverter has superior noise immunity with 1.4 to 2.0 times larger driving-current capability in a load MOS device and requires 9 percent less area than a 1-µm n-channel enhancement/depletion inverter.