Mice which have recovered from infections with P. atheruri are immune to challenge with the homologous parasite and are also strongly resistant to challenge with P. v. chabaudi and, to a lesser extent, B. rodhaini, B. microti and P. b. yoelii. There is little protection against P. v. vinckei and none against P. b. berghei. In the reciprocal experiments, the greatest degree of protection against P. atheruri occurs after P. v. chahaudi infections but over two-thirds of mice are protected by B. rodhaini or B. microti, half by P. v. vinckei or P. b. berghei but hardly any by P. b. yoelii. The considerable degree of cross-protection which exists between P. atheruri and P. chabaudi can be correlated with some antigenic similarities between these parasites but these are not greater than those of parasites which do not protect against one another.