Yellow Pigments ofAspergillus nigerandAsp. awamori

From mycelia of Asp. niger and Asp. awamori aurasperones A, B and C along with related two yellow pigments have been isolated. Aurasperone A, C32H26O10, is obtained in yellow prisms; m.p. 207°C; [α]d —136°; gives the diacetate and the dimethyl ether and is assumed to be a dimeric 2-methyl-5- hydroxy-6,8-dimethoxy-4H-naphtho [2,3-b] pyran-4-one (IV). Aurasperone B, [α]D +46.3°, is the main yellow metabolite, m.p. 186°C, and affords aurasperone A on hydrochloric acid-treatment. It has molecular formula C32H30O12 and is supposed to have the structure (V). The other yellow pigments have been found to be also congeners of aurasperone A.

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