Comparison of EMG-based and Accelerometer-based Speed Estimation Methods in Pedestrian Dead Reckoning

In low-cost self-contained pedestrian navigation systems, traditional Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) solutions utilize accelerometers to derive the speed as well as the distance travelled, and obtain the walking heading from magnetic compasses or gyros. However, these measurements are sensitive to instrument errors and disturbances from ambient environment. To be totally different from these signals in nature, the electromyography (EMG) signal is a typical kind of biomedical signal that measures electrical potentials generated by muscle contractions from the human body. This kind of signal would reflect muscle activities during human locomotion, so that it can not only be used for speed estimation, but also disclose the azimuth information from the contractions of lumbar muscles when changing the direction of walking. Therefore, investigating how to utilize the EMG signal for PDR is interesting and promising. In this paper, a novel EMG-based speed estimation method is presented, including setup of the EMG equipment, pre-processing procedure, stride detection and stride length estimation. Furthermore, this method suggested is compared with the traditional one based on accelerometers by means of several field tests. The results demonstrate that the EMG-based method is effective and its performance in PDR can be comparable to that of the accelerometer-based method.