Ultrastructure de la Grégarine Callynthrochlamys phronimae Frenzel; Étude Comparée de son Noyau avec Celui de Thalicola salpae (Frenzel) (Eugregarina)

SYNOPSIS. The structure of the gregarine Callynthrochlamys phronimae has been studied with the electron microscope. The cuticular complex is not different from those previously described in other species of gregarines. It is composed of 2 layers of different thickness delimited by 3 unit membranes and constitutes series of oblique folds at the surface of the deutomerite. Longitudinal rods of dense material surrounded by a slight pellicle are seen under the cuticle. Pinocytic vacuoles are present under the surface of the gregarine. Cytoplasmic organelles include mitochondria, Golgi complexes, endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles and dense bodies from different sizes. There is a connection between the different features of the cytoplasm in the protomerite and deutomerite and the corresponding cuticular organization.A characteristic feature of the species is the peculiar differentiation of the nuclear membrane. The nucleus is surrounded by a typical double membrane of which the inner one has a dense fibrillar layer apposed to it. In mature trophozoites, tubular expansions without inner layer arise from the double membrane; the same type of nuclear membrane occurs in another species, Thalicola salpae.