The immediate induction of extensive cell fusion by Ca2+ addition in Dictyostelium discoideum

In mated cultures (NC4 × V12) of Dictyostelium discoideum containing 1.0 mM CaCl2, cell fusion generates large numbers of binucleate cells which develop into zygote giant cells. In the absence of Ca2+, binucleate formation does not occur. When 1.0 mM CaCl2 is added to Ca2+-deficient cultures at 18 h, 50% of the cells fuse within 45 min producing large multinucleate syncytia. Small, presumptive gametes appear in Ca2+-deficient cultures and reach a peak of about 20% of the cell population by 10 h, but they maintain this plateau and do not fuse. Upon the addition of CaCl2, the presumptive gametes immediately fuse, producing binucleate cells which develop rapidly into morphologically distinct giant cells. Cell fusion continues, resulting in the formation of extremely large (40–80 μm diameter) multinucleate syncytia by 45 min. The induction of this extensive, synchronous cell fusion does not occur in the presence of other chloride salts and EGTA inhibits it, revealing that Ca+ is the regulatory ion.

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