Characterization of Naturally Occurring Minor Histocompatibility Peptides Including H-4 and H-Y

Minor histocompatibility (H) antigens can be peptides derived from cellular proteins that are presented on the cell surface by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. This is similar to viral antigens, because in both cases cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize artificially produced peptides loaded on target cells. Naturally processed minor H peptides were found to be similar to those artificial CTL-epitopes, as far as size and hydrophobicity is concerned. The peptides studied were isolated from a transfectant that expressed a model CTL-defined antigen, beta-galactosidase, from male cells that express H-Y, which has been known operationally since 1955, and from cells that express H-4, known since 1961.