Thermoregulatory responses to exercise at low ambient temperature performed after precooling or preheating procedures

Seven male skiers exercised for 30 min on a cycle ergometer at 50% of maximal oxygen uptake and an ambient temperature of 5° C. The exercise was preceded either by cold exposure (PREC) or active warming-up (PREH). The data were compared with control exercise (CONT) performed immediately after entering the thermal chamber from a thermoneutral environment. Cold exposure resulted in negative heat storage (96.1 kJ·m−2, SE 5.9) leading to significantly lower rectal, mean body and mean skin temperatures at the onset of exercise in PREC, as compared to PREH and CONT. The PREC-PREH temperature differences were still significant at the end of the exercise period. During exercise in the PREC test, oxygen uptake was higher than in PREH test (32.8 ml·kg−1·min−1, SE 1.5 vs 30.5 ml·kg−1·min−1, SE 1.3, respectively). Heart rate showed only a tendency to be higher in PREC than in PREH and CONT tests. In the PREH test skin and body temperatures as well as sweat rate were already elevated at the beginning of exercise. Exercise-induced changes in these variables were minimal. Heat storage decreased with the duration of the exercise. Exercise at low ambient temperature preceded by a 30-min rest in a cold environment requires more energy than the same exercise performed after PREH.