Growth patterns during segmentation in the two polychaete annelids, Capitella sp. I and Hydroides elegans: comparisons at distinct life history stages

Many animals generate new body segments sequentially from a posterior growth zone, and this is generally thought to be the case for the annelids. Most annelids, including polychaetes, have an indirect life cycle and generate their earliest segments during larval life. We have characterized the nature of the growth zone in two polychaetes, Hydroides elegans and Capitella sp. I, during both larval and juvenile stages of segment formation by examining cell division patterns with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation. Cell division patterns show commonalities between the two species, even though they have distinct body plans and life history characteristics. In both polychaetes, larval segments arise from a field of dividing cells located in lateral regions of the body, rather than from a localized posterior growth zone. Circumferential expansion of the forming segmental tissue is particularly pronounced in Capitella sp. I. Post-metamorphic segments, in contrast, originate from a classical posterior growth zone, with the exception of four posterior thoracic segments of H. elegans, which appear to arise from an area in the middle of the body, indicating plasticity of segment-generating mechanisms present in different annelid life histories. The distinct nature of larval versus juvenile growth zones in H. elegans and Capitella sp. I raises the question of the mechanistic relationship between these two growth zones. The results of this study increase our understanding of the cellular origins of segments in annelids, and serve as a basis for interpretation of molecular expression patterns associated with segment formation in polychaetes.