Limited joint mobility in subjects with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus: relationship with eye and kidney complications.

Three hundred and fifty seven subjects (178 males and 179 females) with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus were evaluated for the presence of limited joint mobility of the interphalangeal joints. Sixty six subjects (19%) had stage 1 and 26 subjects (7%) had stage 2 involvement of their interphalangeal joints. The presence of contractures was significantly related to mean longitudinal glycated haemoglobin (HbA1) concentrations, duration of diabetes, age of onset, mean longitudinal cholesterol concentrations and blood pressure. Limited joint mobility was also significantly associated with early diabetic retinopathy and raised albumin excretion rates. Limited joint mobility remained a significant factor in the logistic regression model for albuminuria and grade of retinopathy when controlled for smoking, cholesterol concentrations, duration of diabetes, age, gender, and blood pressure. However, limited joint mobility was only significantly associated with diabetic retinopathy when the effect of HbA1 concentrations was included in the multivariate model.