A general method of calculating the time-dependent matrix elements needed for multistate impact-parameter calculations of atom-atom inelastic cross sections is presented and applied to the collision processes H(1s)+He(1S1)H(2s, 2pm)+He(1S1). Cross sections calculated in the distorted Born, two-state, and four-state impact-parameter approximations over the incident energy range 1.0 keVE200.0 keV are compared with previous experimental results and first Born-wave calculations. The first Born-wave calculations are in better agreement with the experimental measurements than are the distorted Born, two-state, and four-state impact-parameter calculations, but the fact that the corrections to the first Born become significant for v1.0 a.u. suggests that the good agreement may be accidental. Polarization fractions are calculated, and good agreement is shown with experiment for v0.8 a.u.