CharmlessBPPdecays using flavor SU(3) symmetry

The decays of B mesons to a pair of charmless pseudoscalar (P) mesons are analyzed within a framework of flavor SU(3). Symmetry breaking is taken into account in tree (T) amplitudes through ratios of decay constants; exact SU(3) is assumed elsewhere. Acceptable fits to Bππ and BKπ branching ratios and CP asymmetries are obtained with tree, color-suppressed (C), penguin (P), and electroweak penguin (PEW) amplitudes. Crucial additional terms for describing processes involving η and η include a large flavor-singlet penguin amplitude (S) as proposed earlier and a penguin amplitude Ptu associated with intermediate t and u quarks. For the B+π+η mode a term Stu associated with intermediate t and u quarks also may be needed. Values of the weak phase γ are obtained consistent with an earlier analysis of BVP decays, where V denotes a vector meson, and with other analyses of CKM parameters.

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