Three-factor reciprocal cross mapping of a gene that causes expression of feedback-resistant acetohydroxy acid synthase in Escherichia coli K-12

The ilv-662 allele was previously identified as a mutation that caused acetohydroxy acid synthase activity to be resistant to feedback inhibition by valine (Davis et al. 1977). This allele was mapped between thr and leu by cotransduction analysis and labeled ilvJ. This report describes the mapping of ilvJ relative to genes that lie between thr and leu (ara, carA and pdxA) by three factor reciprocal cross analyses. We find that the probable gene order is thr-carA-pdxA-ilvJ-ara-leu. Although the phenotypic properties of ilvJ662 appear to be quite distinct from brnS, a gene reported to involve branched chain amino acid transport (Guardiola et al. 1974), we do not rule out possible allelism because of the uncertainty of the map position of brnS.