Genome constitution and reproductive biology of hybrid salamanders, genus Ambystoma, on Kelleys Island in Lake Erie

On Kelleys Island, Ohio, in Lake Erie, are found bisexual Ambystoma tigrinum and Ambystoma texanum as well as five different combinations of diploid and polyploid hybrid female salamanders. Genome composition and ploidy of salamanders from five breeding sites on the island were examined using starch gel electrophoresis, erythrocyte area measurements, and chromosome counts. All of the hybrids contained at least one Ambystoma laterale genome, yet pure individuals of this species were not encountered. Embryonic mortality was severe among eggs deposited by 42 hybrid females. The few resulting offspring, when compared electrophoretically with their mothers, showed no evidence of being the product of parthenogenesis. Recently described Ambystoma nothagenes Kraus is not a valid species as this trihybrid is demonstrated to be genetically heterogeneous and independently derived from diploid A. laterale × texanum hybrids.