
There are 7 forms of oculo-cutaneous albinism, which are all autosomal recessive: 3 are tyrosinase-negative (complete oculo-cutaneous albinism, Amish albinism, Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome) and 4 are tyrosinase-positive (incomplete oculo-cutaneous albinism, Chediak-Higashi syndrome, Cross syndrome, Bergsma''s albinism). There are 3 forms of sex-linked albinism: occular albinism, which is intermediary sex-linked, Francois-De Rouck syndrome and Ziprkowski syndrome, which show a generalized albinism and are recessive sex-linked. There are 2 principal forms of cutaneous albinism, 1 without deafness and the other with deafness (Waardenburg-Klein syndrome).