Acellular pertussis diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine containing separately purified pertussis toxoid, filamentous haemagglutinin and 69 kDa outer membrane protein as a booster in children

In two double-blind, randomized, comparative studies involving a total of 218 children, an acellular pertussis (DTPa) vaccine containing diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis components filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), pertussis toxoid (PT), and 69 kDa outer membrane protein (69 kDa OMP) was administered as a booster to 17-month-old and 5-year-old children with a history of routine whole-cell diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTPw) vaccination. The control groups in these studies received DTPw vaccine. Among 17-month-old toddlers, significantly lower proportions of DTPa vaccine recipients had local pain (7.3%), redness (14.5%) and swelling (9.1%) than DTPw vaccine recipients (23.6%, 30.9% and 23.6%, respectively). A trend toward fewer local reactions was also seen in 5-year-old children vaccinated with DTPa in private practice and public clinics although differences were not statistically significant. Fever (rectal temperature ≥38°C) was reported more frequently for DTPw vaccine recipients in both age groups. White no differences existed between groups in terms of geometric mean antibody titres (GMTs) prior to booster vaccination, anti-PT antibody GMTs were higher among DTPa vaccine recipients than among DTPw vaccine recipients after booster vaccination. The difference was statistically significant in 5-year-old subjects. Furthermore, significantly higher anti-FHA and anti-69 kDa OMP GMTs were seen in DTPa vaccine recipients in both age groups. In pre-vaccination seropositive subjects and in pre-vaccination seronegative subjects the rate of immune response to pertussis antigens was higher for DTPa than for DTPw vaccine recipients with the exception of the rate of response induced to 69 kDa OMP in 5-year-old children. The lower frequency of side-effects and similar or greater immunogenicity of DTPa vaccine when used as a booster in subjects primed with DTPw encourage the introduction of this type of vaccine for the fourth and fifth DTP doses that are routinely administered in many countries.