Effects of Milk and Forage Intake on Calf Performance

Milk and forage intake were measured for 51 spring-born, suckling Polled Hereford calves grazing native Bluestem range. Milk intake declined from 6.14 to 3.37 kg/head/day from April to August and September. Calves were grouped into birth periods: period 1 was March 1 to 20; period 2, March 21 to 31; period 3, April 1 to May 2. Calves born in period 2 consumed the most milk (P<.05). Forage dry matter intake increased from .44 to 3.52 kg/calf/day from May through September, representing .62, 1.46, 1.51, 1.75 and 2.2% of the calf's body weight for each respective month. Calves born in birth period 3 consumed the least forage (P<.05). Daily gain was not affected by birth period. Copyright © 1980. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1980 by American Society of Animal Science