Growth in Crohn's disease

Abnormal linear growth is frequent in children and adolescents with Crohn's disease. The typical pattern is of growth retardation associated with delayed skeletal maturation. Puberty is also frequently delayed. Over 50% of patients may have a subnormal height velocity, and approximately 25% will have short stature. The endocrine status is characterized by normal growth hormone secretion and a slightly subnormal serum level of insulin-like growth factor I, which is related to nutritional status. Principal therapeutic options are intestinal resection for localized disease, and enteral nutrition--using a polymeric diet--for more widespread disease, particularly involving the small intestine. Growth responses to both modalities are often excellent and produce considerable psychological benefit. Optimum therapy is achieved by close collaboration between gastroenterologists and endocrinologists, and by the use of auxological methods to document pre- and post-therapeutic management.