Slow collisions between highly charged ions andC60: Absolute ΔEvalues and cross sections

We present energy-gain distributions for net one- and two-electron transfer in slow Arq+-C60 collisions. The ΔE-spectra for the former peak at ΔE1=12.9±0.4 (nl=7s and 7p), 15.5±1.0 (n=10), 15.1±0.5 (n=11), and 13.8±0.4 eV (n=12) for q=8, 13, 14, and 15, respectively. The total reaction cross sections are σtot= 4.6±1.4 (q=8), 10.1±2.8 (q=13), 7.1±2.0 (q=14), and 10.0±3.1 (q=15) in units of 1014 cm2. These results are discussed within a simple qualitative model in which the transient localization of the positive charge on the C60+ ion just after transfer of one electron is a free parameter. © 1996 The American Physical Society.