Factors affecting performance of NiO biased giant magnetoresistance structures

We have made spin‐valve structures of Permalloy/Cu/Co by sputtering or electron‐beam deposition onto the antiferromagnetic oxide NiO. The oxides were made either by deposition of the metals and subsequent oxidation or by growing them in situ using reactive sputtering. The magnetic properties of the giant magnetoresistance structures were studied by magnetoresistance, vibrating sample magnetometry, and ferromagnetic resonance methods. The oxides were characterized by x‐ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. We studied surface roughness and structure as functions of thickness and oxidation temperature and correlated the oxide properties with the magnetic performance. We found that the metal layer roughened during the postdeposition oxidation process and that the resulting oxide layers were very effective in pinning the direction of the magnetic moment of adjacent metal films. Coercive fields over 500 Oe were obtained for Co overlayers on NiO films but the exchange bias field was generally less than 100 Oe and was not strongly dependent on the roughness. The beneficial effects of this strong pinning were offset to some degree by higher switching fields required in spin‐valve structures deposited over the Co. We also made reactively sputtered oxide antiferromagnetic films which had smoother surfaces than those made by postdeposition oxidation.