Models of epithelial salt secretion, involving secondary active transport of Cl [9], locate the K+ conductance of the plasma membrane exclusively in the basolateral membrane, although there is considerable experimental evidence to show that many secretory epithelia do have a significant apical K+ conductance. We have used an equivalent circuit model to examine the effect of an apical K+ conductance on the composition and flow rate of the fluid secreted by an epithelium in which secretion is driven by the secondary active transport of Cl. The parameters of the model were chosen to be similar to those measured in the dog tracheal mucosa when stimulated with adrenaline to secrete. We find that placing a K+ conductance in the apical membrane can actually enhance secretion provided that proportion of the total cell K+ conductance in the apical membrane is not greater than about 60%, the enabling effect on secretion being maximal when the proportion is around 10–20%. We also find that even when the entire cell K+ conductance is located in the apical membrane, the secreted fluid remains relatively Na+ rich. Analysis of the sensitivity of model behavior to the choice of values for the parameters shows that the effects of an apical K+ conductance are enhanced by increasing the ratio of the paracellular resistance to the transcellular resistance.