Quantification of Bacterial Groups within Human Fecal Flora by Oligonucleotide Probe Hybridization

To investigate the population structure of the predominant phylogenetic groups within the human adult fecal microbiota, a new oligonucleotide probe designated S-G-Clept-1240-a-A-18 was designed, validated, and used with a set of five 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Application of the six probes to fecal samples from 27 human adults showed additivity of 70% of the total 16S rRNA detected by the bacterial domain probe. The Bacteroidesgroup-specific probe accounted for 37% ± 16% of the total rRNA, while the enteric group probe accounted for less than 1%.Clostridium leptum subgroup and Clostridium coccoides group-specific probes accounted for 16% ± 7% and 14% ± 6%, respectively, while Bifidobacterium andLactobacillus groups made up less than 2%.