The Nutrition of Brucellae: Growth in Simple Chemically Defined Media

To a basal medium of 0.75% NaCl, 1% K2HPO4, 0.01 Na thiosulfate, 10 microg./ml. Mg as Mg sulfate, 0.1 microg./ml. Fe as ferrous sulfate, 0.1 microg./ml. of Mn as manganous sulfate, 0.2 microg./ml. thiamin HC1, 0.2 microg./ml. nicotinic acid, 0.04 microg./ml. Ca pantothenate, and 0.001 microg./ml. biotin and adjustment to pH 6.8-7 with NaOH, were added various energy sources and N sources for the growth of an "avirulent" strain of Brucella abortus. As an energy source for resting cells Na lactate was equal to glucose or glycerol. The relationship between lactate, glucose and glycerol for growth was detd. and graphically presented in 3 dimensions. Ammonium sulfate and asparagine may both be used as sole N sources and 0.05 and 0.3% were opt. concns. respectively. L-Glutamine and aspartic acid could not replace asparagine, but L-histidine and L-glutamic acid could. Addition of 0.3% DL-asparagine, 0.5% lactic acid and 3% glycerol to the basal medium gave a medium which supported growth of 28 strains of B. abortus, suis and melitensis.