16 Percent Aluminum-Iron Alloy Cold Rolled in the Order-Disorder Temperature Range

The methods of fabricating 16 percent Al-Fe from cast slab to thin-gauge sheet are described in some detail. The melting, casting, homogenizing, hot rolling, and cold rolling at 575°C and room temperature are described. Particular attention is focused upon the 575°C cold rolling from the standpoint of the possible beneficial effects derived from an ordering reaction which occurs in this alloy. The technique of cold reduction from 0.007 in. to 0.0005 in. at room temperature is discussed. Magnetic data on a limited number of heat-treated laminated cores are given. Useful physical properties, other than magnetic, of previous limited interest because of the inability to fabricate the alloy into ductile strong thin sheets, are discussed. These properties include excellent oxidation resistance at high temperatures, good wet-corrosion resistance to certain chemical solutions, and high electrical resistivity.

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