High-output-power (+15 dBm) unidirectional 1310-nm multiple-quantum-well booster amplifier module

A unidirectional multiple-quantum-well booster amplifier module for the 1310-nm transmission window with a high 3-dB gain saturation output power of 18 dBm and a fiber-to-fiber gain of 17 dB is demonstrated. The module is equipped with a polarization-maintaining input fiber and optical isolators have been included. The booster amplifier was tested with a 1310-nm DFB laser directly modulated at 10 Gb/s, showing that 14.6 dBm of average fiber-launched output power could be obtained at 1 dB BER penalty, and that power budgets of 26.8 dB and 39.4 dB could be realized for a PIN photodiode receiver and an optically preamplified receiver, respectively, making repeaterless 10 Gb/s transmission over 70 to 100 km of standard single-mode optical fiber at 1310 nm a practical option.