The transit times of 10-MHz longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic waves have been measured between 1.5 and 298 K for ceramic PbZrO3 and PbMg13Nb23O3. The elastic stiffness moduli deduced therefrom have normal temperature dependences in PbZrO3. However, in PbMg13Nb23O3 the moduli have a broad minimum in the region of the diffuse ferroelectric transition, a very slight dip near 90 K, and an anomalous temperature dependence below 90 K. The latter features may indicate the presence of a phase transition which has not been reported previously. For PbZrO3 the elastic Debye temperature ΘDelast at 1.5 K is 396±4 K. This value is within experimental error of a recent calorimetric value. For PbMg13Nb23O3, ΘDelast=382±8 K, which is much larger than the calorimetric value, indicating that in PbMg13Nb23O3 acoustic lattice vibrations cannot account for all of the "Debye" term in the specific heat. It is suggested that anomalies in the specific heat may be due to weak bonding between Pb ions and the MgO6 or NbO6 octahedra and to strains in the samples.