Energetics of Pore Formation Induced by Membrane Active Peptides

Antimicrobial peptides are known to form pores in cell membranes. We study this process in model bilayers of various lipid compositions. We use two of the best-studied peptides, alamethicin and melittin, to represent peptides making two types of pores, that is, barrel-stave pores and toroidal pores. In both cases, the key control variable is the concentration of the bound peptides in the lipid bilayers (expressed in the peptide−lipid molar ratio, P/L). The method of oriented circular dichroism (OCD) was used to monitor the peptide orientation in bilayers as a function of P/L. The same samples were scanned by X-ray diffraction to measure the bilayer thickness. In all cases, the bilayer thickness decreases linearly with P/L and then levels off after P/L exceeds a lipid-dependent critical value, (P/L)*. OCD spectra showed that the helical peptides are oriented parallel to the bilayers as long as P/L < (P/L)*, but as P/L increases over (P/L)*, an increasing fraction of peptides changed orientation to become perpendicular to the bilayer. We analyzed the data by assuming an internal membrane tension associated with the membrane thinning. The free energy containing this tension term leads to a relation explaining the P/L-dependence observed in the OCD and X-ray diffraction measurements. We extracted the experimental parameters from this thermodynamic relation. We believe that they are the quantities that characterize the peptide−lipid interactions related to the mechanism of pore formation. We discuss the meaning of these parameters and compare their values for different lipids and for the two different types of pores. These experimental parameters are useful for further molecular analysis and are excellent targets for molecular dynamic simulation studies.