Parabolized Stability Equation Based Analysis of Noise From an Axisymmetric Hot Jet

Noise generated from large-scale wave-like eddies in a Mach 0.9 hot axisymmetric jet is studied. The mean jet flow is computed using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solver with the k-ω turbulence model. Spatial development of near-field pressure perturbations is computed using a 3D Parabolized Stability Equation (PSE) method, and the far-field noise radiated from these convective instabilities is obtained by solving the wave equation. The 3D PSE method developed here allows the effects of strong azimuthal mean-flow variations to be captured and analyzed. Results show that large-scale wave-like eddies, or instability waves, travel slightly above sonic speed for the first few jet diameters, and that the dominant noise sources are concentrated near the edge of the time-averaged potential core. Good agreement between computed results and experiment are found for relative sound pressure levels and directivity. Also, at the low frequencies considered, the sound field associated with azimuthal wave-number m = 0 shows better agreement with experimental data than with (the most amplified) m = 1.

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