Central nervous system (CNS) involvement and management in primary vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, primary angiitis of the CNS, Takayasu’s disease, periarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis) and vasculitis secondary to collagen vascular diseases, Beçhet’s disease and other systemic conditions (excluding those secondary to infections) and the use of illicit drugs are reviewed. Vasculitis is an infrequent cause of stroke even in the young age groups, and routine screening of stroke patients for vasculitis is not cost-effective. CNS vasculitis may present with isolated CNS symptoms and signs (headaches, meningeal signs, encephalopathy, psychiatric syndromes, dementia, cranial nerve palsies, seizures, strokes), neuropathy or muscle damage, multiorgan involvement or non-specific systemic symptoms or a combination of the above. Magnetic resonance is the most sensitive ancillary procedure to detect CNS damage. Many of the angiographic features found in vasculitis are non-specific. Autoantibodies and tissue biopsy are also useful to the diagnosis. There are few controlled studies on the treatment of vasculitis. Usually a combination of steroids and cytotoxic drugs is used, but there is considerable variation between centres on current therapeutic regimens.

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