Relaxation of spins due to field inhomogeneities in gaseous samples at low magnetic fields and low pressures

We have developed a theory for the effect of magnetic-field inhomogeneities on the spin relaxation of gases in cells with negligible relaxation at the walls. There is a characteristic pressure p* at which the time τd required for an atom to diffuse across the cell is equal to the time τl required for the spin to precess by one radian in the mean magnetic field. For ‘‘high pressures,’’ p≫p*, the longitudinal spin-relaxation time T1 is inversely proportional to the pressure. This is the classic pressure dependence discussed in the literature. The new results reported in this paper are that at ‘‘low pressures,’’ p≪p*, the pressure dependence changes and the longitudinal relaxation time becomes directly proportional to the pressure; that is, motional narrowing occurs. We show that the transverse relaxation time T2 will ordinarily be proportional to the pressure at both low and high pressures, but with different coefficients. There is also a small, pressure-dependent shift of the Larmor frequency associated with the field inhomogeneity.