Implications of Abelian Extended Gauge Structures From String Models

Within a class of superstring vacua which have an additional non-anomalous $U(1)'$ gauge factor, we address the scale of the $U(1)'$ symmetry breaking and constraints on the exotic particle content and their masses. We also show that an extra gauge $U(1)'$ provides a new mechanism for generating a naturally small effective $\mu$ term. In general, existing models are not consistent with all phenomenological constraints; however, they do provide a testing ground to address the above issues, yielding a set of concrete scenarios. Under the assumptions that the spontaneous $U(1)'$ breaking takes place in the observable sector and that the supersymmetry breaking scalar mass square terms are positive at the string scale, the breaking of $U(1)'$ symmetry is radiative. It can take place when the appropriate Yukawa couplings of exotic particles are of order one, which occurs for $Z_2\times Z_2$ fermionic orbifold constructions at symmetric points of moduli space. The $Z'$ mass is either of ${\cal O}(M_Z)$, when the symmetry breaking is due to a single standard model singlet, or is of a scale intermediate between the string and electro-weak scales, determined by the radiative corrections (or by competing non-renormalizable operators), when the breaking is due to two or more mirror-like singlets. In the former case, the $M_{Z'}/M_Z$ hierarchy achievable without excessive fine tuning is within future experimental reach.

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