Serum carboxypeptidase B levels during acute and mildBabesia bovis and acuteBabesia bigemina infections of cattle

Serum carboxypeptidase B (SCPB) levels were measured in splenectomised calves and in non-splenectomised cattle infected with three virulent and one avirulent strains ofBabesia bovis, and in splenectomised calves infected with virulentBabesia bigemina parasites. SCPB levels commenced falling three days post-infection in animals infected with virulentB. bovis strains and fell significantly terminally. In animals infected with the avirulentB. bovis strain, the SCPB levels were not significantly altered. Animals infected withB. bigemina had no significant changes in their SCPB levels. Fatal infections were uniformly observed in animals with virulentB. bovis, but only two of six animals infected withB. bigemina and none infected with avirulentB. bovis, died.