Patterns of work - rheumatoid arthritis

Fifty rheumatoid adults successfully competing in full time competitive work were interviewed to determine the factors which distinguish this group and enable their continuing work, which included physical and social barriers and aids to working full time. The data indicate that as a whole they had significant disease, most falling in functional class 2 and 3 (ARA). As a group they were well educated with occupations mirroring their educational attainments. Almost all had inside jobs and most had worked for long times in their occupations. The majority did not change occupations after disease onset and many had been in their jobs for years, often in the same firm. Promotions were few. They had stable marriage patterns. Patients were motivated for work and did what was necessary to get to work despite their disease. These workers had a low level of absenteeism, enjoyed their jobs and felt that personal desire was the most important factor in keeping at work. From consideration of the disease itself, in addition to upper and lower extremity problems, morning stiffness, fatigue and public transport difficulties were highlighted and focus attention on the need to better control these features of the disease and environment.

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