Study of open‐tubular micro‐capillary liquid chromatography

Capillary columns in gas chromatography, first proposed by Golay [1,2], have become well established [3] which have extremely high column efficiencies and separabilities. Everyone could imagine it to be a great tool if such a kind of high efficiency column could be established in liquid chromatography (LC). Microcapillary liquid chromatography (MCLC) may be one way of achieving high‐efficiency in terms of theoretical plates. Few papers were published in this field before 1976 [4–6], but more recently, after 1977 [7–15], this field has become one of topical interest in liquid chromatography. Temporarily there are two microcapillary liquid chromatography, that is: „open‐tubular”︁ [7,8,10–15] and „packed”︁ [9] MCLC. In this presentation we focus on open‐tubular microcapillary liquid chromatography and a review contemporary developments of ours and others.