The determinants of the step frequency in walking in humans.

The mechanical power spent during walking in lifting and accelarating the centre of mass. .ovrhdot.Wext, has been measured at three given speeds maintained at different step frequencies: at any given speed, .ovrhdot.Wext is smaller the greater the step frequency used. The mechanical power spent in accelerating the limbs relative to the centre of mass during walking at a given speed, but with different step frequencies, .ovrhdot.Wint was calculated from previous data obtained during free walking (Cavagna and Kaneko, 1977). At a given walking speed, .ovrhdot.Wint increases with the step frequency. The total power, .ovrhdot.Wtot = .ovrhdot.Wext + .ovrhdot.Wint, reaches a minimum at a step frequency which is 20-30% less than the step frequency freely chosen at the same speed. The step frequency at which .ovrhdot.Wtot is minimum increases with speed in a similar way to the natural step frequecy during free walking.

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