On the primordial helium content: CMB and stellar constraints

We present the results of a joint investigation aimed at constraining the primordial He content ($Y_P$) on the basis of both the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy and two stellar observables, namely the tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) and the luminosity of the Zero Age Horizontal Branch (ZAHB). Current baryon density estimates based on CMB measurements cover a wide range values $0.009\la \Omega_bh^2 \la 0.045$, that according to Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) models would imply $0.24\la Y_P \la 0.26$. We constructed several sets of evolutionary tracks and HB models by adopting $Y_P=0.26$ and several metal contents. The comparison between theory and observations suggests that ZAHB magnitudes based on He-enhanced models are 1.5$\sigma$ brighter than the empirical ones. The same outcome applies for the TRGB bolometric magnitudes. This finding somewhat supports a $Y_P$ abundance close to the canonical 0.23-0.24 value. More quantitative constraints on this parameter are hampered by the fact that the CMB pattern shows a sizable dependence on both $Y_P$ and the baryon density only at small angular scales, i.e. at high l in the power spectrum ($l\ga 100$). However, this region of the power spectrum could be still affected by deceptive systematic uncertainties. Finally, we suggest to use the {\em UV-upturn} to estimate the He content on Gpc scales. In fact, we find that a strong increase in $Y_P$ causes in metal-poor, hot HB structures a decrease in the UV emission.

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