A Physiological Approach to Perfusion-Flxation of Tissues with Formalin

An attempt to preserve more accurately the structure and relationships of nervous tissue found in the living state is descr. The essential points include (1) Perfusion of formalin at an hydrostatic pressure equivalent to the mean arterial pressure of the animal to maintain the normal patency of the vascular bed. (2) The addition of a colloid (gum acacia) to the perfusion fluid which will exert an osmotic pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries and thus prevent edema. For 70 mm Hg, in the guinea pig the conc. of gum acacia is 2.4%; for 122 mm Hg, in the cat and monkey, it is 5.6%. (3) The addition of an electrolyte (0.9% NaCl) to the perfusion fluid to make it isotonic to the tissue fluid to prevent tissue distortion. (4) For further fixation and preservation the tissues are placed in 10% formalin which contains 0.9% NaCl.

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