Control of the Midge Glyptotendipes paripes with Low-Volume Aerial Sprays of Malathion

Aerial applications of low-volume concentrate sprays of malathion when applied at the rate of 2 and 4 ounces per acre, gave excellent control of Glyptotendipes paripes Edwards adults. At the 4-ounce dosage rate, control was achieved within 3 hours and the residual effect of the spray gave control for 4 days. At the 2-ounce dosage rate, it took almost 6 hours to achieve a satisfactory kill, and the residual effect usually lasted 3 days. It appears that there is no difference in the initial kill when 1, 2, or 3 swaths are laid down. However, there are indications that the residual action is slightly less with 1 swath. At malathion concentration of 0.5 and 1.6 ppm, there was complete mortality of mosquito larvae and good control of midge larvae, but no mortality of the mosquito pupae. In the field, after spraying there was mortality of Hippelates eye gnats, muscid flies, small beetles, and wasps.