The development of Purkinje cell dendrites was studied in the bullfrog from premetamorphic tadpoles to 10‐week‐old postmetamorphic froglets by the Golgi‐Kopsch method. In this species two distinct patterns of arbor formation may be seen, which appear to be related to differences in the timing of initial dendritic development. In Purkinje cells that begin development in early tadpole stages, the dendritic tree is elaborated by continuous and concomitant growth and branching, a process by which the developing arbor expands in both height and width. Arbor formation in Purkinje cells that begin development in metamorphosing tadpoles proceeds in two separate steps. Initially, dendrites of such cells elongate, but form only a few poorly developed branches; only when the arbor reaches near‐adult height does branching become extensive. Additional differences present in Purkinje cells are reflected in the paucity of growth cones and filopodia in the tadpole, and numerous filopodia and growth cones in the metamorphic period. An interesting feature of dendritic development in this species is a tendency to alter the arboreal domain by the formation of extra‐arboreal dendrites, and possibly by the occasional resorbtion of other partially formed dendrites. The pattern of dendritic development in the frog is different than in mammals and is difficult to interpret. Such unusual development may be due to disturbances in the timing of the formation of Purkinje cell dendrites and of the establishment of the external granular layer (EGL).