Winter lynx Lynx lynx predation on semi‐domestic reindeer Rangifer tarandus in northern Sweden

The predation behaviour of six lynx Lynx lynx family groups, i.e. adult females with dependent kittens, was studied using radio-tracking and snow-tracking in the Sarek area of northern Sweden during winter 1995/96 and 1996/97. One hundred and six daily radio-locations were obtained, and 340 km of intervening tracks were followed in the snow. Forty-one scats were collected, and 57 hunting attempts, 37 of which were successful, were recorded. Semi-domestic reindeer Rangifer tarandus contributed over 90% to lynx ingested meat calculated from both scats and kills. Eighty-three percent of hunting attempts on reindeer, and 53% of attempts on small prey species, mainly Lagopus sp. and mountain hares Lepus timidus, were successful. Four incidents of multiple-killing of reindeer were documented. Reindeer were generally in poor body condition, with an average femur marrow fat content of 27%. Lynx spent an average of three nights at each reindeer kill-site. Reindeer were less completely consumed than small prey (61%...
Funding Information
  • Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
  • Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
  • Naturvårdsverket