Quantum Statistical Mechanics of a Many-Body System with Several Components

The binary collision method of Lee and Yang is extended in order to investigate the statistical mechanics of a multicomponent mixture of interacting gases obeying Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics. First, the case of a mixture of two kinds of hard-sphere spinless bosons is studied and then the generalization is carried over to the case of a mixture of several components consisting of particles with arbitrary spin and statistics. An explicit derivation of the fugacity expansion, correct to the second order in the interaction parameters, is given. Expressions are derived for the second and third virial coefficients of the system and a discussion is given of the salient features of the results obtained. Finally, the case of a binary mixture, with one component consisting of bosons and the other of fermions, is considered and the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation in this system is studied.