In a previous communication to the Academy, a curve was exhibited which had been obtained at the Potsdam Magnetic Observatory by automatic photographic registration of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic force. The striking feature of this curve was the fact that, in addition to the usual larger perturbations, there was a series of very small waves having nearly the same constant period, so that these waves could, in a certain way, be regarded as constituting the elementary pulsations of the earth's magnetism.Since then it has been possible to obtain about sixty such curves. The sensitiveness of the intensity variometer was, as before, a very high one (1 mm. of ordinate=0.00004 cm−½ g½ sec−1), and for the time‐scale a length of abscissa of 24 cm. was taken to represent one hour, hence about twelve to sixteen times that of the usual registration.

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