Statistical analyses of counts and distributions of restriction sites in DNA sequences

Counts and spacings of all 4- and 6-bp palindromes In DNA sequences from a broad range of organisms were investigated. Both 4- and 6-bp average palindrome counts were significantly low in all bacteriophages except one, probably as a means of avoiding restriction enzyme cleavage. The exception, T4 of normal 4- and 6-palindrome counts, putattvely derives protection from modification of cytosine to hydroxymethylcytosine plus glycosylation. The counts and distributions of 4-bp and of 6-bp restriction sites in bacterial species are variable. Bacterial cells with multiple restriction systems for 4-bp or 6-bp target specificities are low in aggregate 4- or 6-bp palindrome counts/kb, respectively, but bacterial cells lacking exact 4-cutter enzymes generally show normal or high counts of 4-bp palindromes when compared with random control sequences of comparable nucleotide frequencies. For example, E. coli , apparently without an exact 4-bp target restriction endonuclease (see text), contains normal aggregate 4-palindrome counts/kb, while B. subtills, which abounds with 4-bp restriction systems, shows a significant under-representation of 4-palindrome counts. Both E. coli and B. subtilis have many 6-bp restriction enzymes and concomitantly diminished aggregate 6-pallndrome counts/kb. Eukaryote, viral, and organelle sequences generally have aggregate 4-and 6-palindromic counts/kb in the normal range. Interpretations of these results are given in terms of restriction/methylation regimes, recombination and transcription processes, and possible structural and regulatory roles of 4- and 6-bp palindromes.