Ultrastructural investigations on surface structures involved in Coxiella burnetii phase variation

By using the cytochemical staining procedure with concanavalin A, horseradish peroxidase, and diaminobenzidine, no surface carbohydrates with terminal alpha-glucosyl or sterically closely related residues could be detected on the cell walls of Coxiella burnetii phases I and II. Using a polycationized ferritin derivative as a cytochemical probe, anionic binding sites were visualized in the electron microscope on cell membranes of C. burnetii phase II, but not on phase I organisms. The sites appeared to be masked in phase I particles. Anionic sites could be demonstrated on phase I organisms after treatment with NaIO4 or dimethyl sulfoxide. A number of different biological properties of C. burnetii phases I and II may depend on the presence or absence of a net negative charge on the surface of the cell walls of these organisms.