Testing A Model of Diabetes Self-Care Management

The daily management of diabetes involves a complex interaction of metabolic variables, self-care behaviors, andpsychological and social adjustments to having the disease. Diabetes patient-education programs usually focus on the self-care aspects of managing the disease with emphasis on specific cognitive knowledge and performance of daily diet, medication and exercise routines. This study presents a model of diabetes management which includes an attitudinal element -the personal meaning of having diabetes. This expanded model allows for testing of hypothesized relationships between all elements, rather than a single linear cause and effect model Data were obtained from 115 Type I and 105 type II people from three states who hadhaddiabetesforatleastoneyear. Thedata were analyzed using a structural equation analysis (LISREL VI). While the results showed that the data did not fit the proposed model well enough to allow for definitive conclusions, the results are generally supportive of the original hypothesis that the personal meaning of diabetes is an important element in the daily management of diabetes and the psychosocial adjustment to the disease.