A Nuclear Mutation in Nicotiana sylvestris Causing a Thiamine-Reversible Defect in Synthesis of Chloroplast Pigments

We report the recovery of a nuclear recessive mutation in Nicotiana sylvestris (Spegazzini and Comes) producing a conditional disruption in the pathway for synthesis of chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids which is fully reversible by exogenous thiamine (0.3 micromolar). In the absence of supplemental thiamine, chlorophyll levels declined by 50% after 5 days, and fell to undetectable levels by 11 days. Mitochondrial (KCN sensitive) respiration rates remained normal in albino leaves (80% loss of chlorophyll), sugesting that chlorosis results primarily from a deficiency of thiamine in the chloroplasts. After thiamine removal, mutant plants produced at least 10 albino leaves with a substantial capacity for growth (0-15 centimeters; 70-fold increase in area), demonstrating sustained operation of many cellular functions in spite of chloroplast disruption. Activities of the plastid isozymes of phosphoglucomutase and phosphoglucoisomerase in albino leaves indicated that the decline in pigment synthesis does not result from a general loss of metabolic activity in chloroplast. Plastid pyruvate dehydrogenase from mutant and wild-type plants displayed a similar affinity for thiamine pyrophosphate, showing that chlorosis does not result from an alteration in this enzyme. Growth of albino leaves and ultrastructural evidence for thylakoid membranes in the chloroplasts suggest that a certain level of fatty acid synthesis is maintained after the interruption of pigment synthesis. Since thiamine deprivation is expected to block production of acetyl-coenzyme A from pyruvate by pyruvate dehydrogenase, acetyl-coenzyme A supporting fatty acid synthesis in albino leaves may be derived solely from mitochondrial acetate.