Proposals from the IFCC Committee on Standardization of Markers of Cardiac Damage (C-SMCD): Strategies and concepts on standardization of cardiac marker assays

The search for sensitive and specific biochemical markers of cardiac damage has resulted in development of methods for the measurement of cardiac markers such as myoglobin, CK-MB mass and the cardiac troponins (cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T). There have been new clinical applications of already known markers based on improved, reformulated methods which often depend on advanced technologies. These developments are connected with analytical and interpretative challenges for the laboratory manager and for the clinician. In this situation, it is essential that international professional societies develop comprehensive and carefully elaborated guidelines for the quality management and use of these measurements and their results. Several professional associations have formed committees working on different issues regarding the measurement of biochemical markers of cardiac damage. Recognizing the huge interest in this field and substantial diagnostic relevance of these markers, the IFCC has established the Committee on "Standardization of Markers of Cardiac Damage" (C-SMCD) in 1997 inviting the already operating American and European groups to designate some of their members into the new committee. The task of the IFCC C-SMCD is to coordinate the different activities of the national groups, with preparation of international documents and recommendations under the auspices of IFCC and to initiate various standardization activities. The establishment of consensus/reference methods as well as development of primary and secondary matrix reference materials for markers of cardiac damage are extremely important in order to achieve comparability of test results, thus leading to an effective patient care.

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