Substance P-related peptides in the hypothalamus of Amphibia

The occurrence of Substance P-(SP)-related peptides in the hypothalamus of three species of Amphibia (newt, clawed, toad, frog) was studied immunohistochemically employing the indirect immunofluorescence method or a double-step technique (indirect immunofluorescence followed by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex method). SP-like immunopositive fibers are seen throughout the hypothalamus. They are especially abundant in the preoptic area and in the outer zone of the median eminence, suggesting a role of SP-related peptides in the hypothalamo-hypophysial regulation in these animals. Some SP-like neurons are seen in the posterior hypothalamus and in the preoptic area. In the newt, such SP-like immunopositive neurons occur frequently in the preoptic periventricular grey.